How to increase the max_input_vars for PHP?

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What is Max Input Vars?

The max_input_vars directive limits the number of inputs you can set when posting forms in PHP.

How to increase the max_input_vars?

The max_input_vars directive can be set in .htaccess, php.ini or or directly from cPanel

How to change the max_input_vars in php.ini?

To change the maximum number of input variables allowed, add the max_input_vars directive to your php.ini file, such as

max_input_vars = 2000

For wordpress users

Add in Your wp-config.php file

@ini_set( ‘max_input_vars’ , 2000 )

How to set the max_input_vars directive in an .htaccess file?

To change the maximum number of input variables allowed, add the max_input_vars directive in your .htaccess file, such as

php_value max_input_vars 2000

How to change the max_input_vars in cPanel?

1. Log into cPanel

2. Go to Software section and click on Select PHP version

cpanel select php version

3. Click on right side, “Switch to PHP Extensions

4. Change max_input_vars value

max_input_vars cPanel

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I'm Mihai, a programmer and online marketing specialist, very passionate about everything that means online marketing, focused on eCommerce.

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