How to Send Contact Form Data to an External Endpoint in WordPress
Contact forms are an essential feature for websites, allowing visitors to easily get in touch. In WordPress, there are several …
Contact forms are an essential feature for websites, allowing visitors to easily get in touch. In WordPress, there are several …
Post revised and updated in 2025 Sharing the WordPress plugins I personally use on my site and the reasons behind …
What is the factorial of a number? The “factorial” of a number is that number multiplied by all the positive …
About Python programming language Python was created in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum and was designed to be …
Internet protocol The payload part of IP packets supports multiple protocols to make sure that information arrives as expected. Two …
The default behavior for Django Models is to create an auto-incrementing integer primary key named “id”. Setting DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD to ‘django.db.models.BigAutoField’ …
JavaScript provides some nice utility functions that we can use to work with Objects more easily. These functions are found …
If you need to convert a date-time like 2020-04-28 00:00:00 which comes for example from the backend, you can use …
Suppose we have a post and after we send it, we want to display a message to the user in …
Consider the following task: We have a file with a list of urls (urls.txt). 1. First, we want to determine …
It is not at all complicated to install Laravel, as you will see in this tutorial. 1. Install Composer on …
In this post, you’ll learn how to remove a column from an existing table in Laravel using migrations. Suppose you …
Prior to ES6, the main way to define functions was by using the function keyword in this way: function, followed …
JavaScript provides nice built-in array functions that we can use to work with arrays. Unlike with the JavaScript object functions …
Google strongly recommends using an ads.txt file on Your websites. If there’s an issue with ads.txt on your site, you’ll …
When working with objects or arrays in JavaScript, we often need to combine two or more arrays or objects into …
Trebuie modificat!! Pana la EcmaScript.. the only way to declare a variable in JavaScript was to use the keyword var. …
If you want to learn Angular, in this topic I present the best paid or FREE courses, books, and tutorials …
If you need to display the current year in Angular for copyright purposes, you can do it in the following …
If you are a webmaster or have a blog, you know that it is almost impossible to get natural links …